Monday, August 17, 2009

Additions,Subtractions, and Comandeering the "Man Truck"

Yesterday, was a pretty exiting day in the McClendon home. As i told you before Deci was scheduled to leave for a little while for our last assessment, so after church they took him away. I'm kinda sad because the house already feels empty without him, but that's not a problem for my dad because he already invited 2 more people to stay with us. We should move into out new home by Christmas time, by then they will be ready to move in with us. There names are Ana, and Wil. Wil's 19, and Ana's 20. They came here from Panama about a year ago, and they have no place to go at the moment, so we thought we'd be generous, and let them stay wit us for a while. So not only do i have a new brother, and sister on the way, but i have visitors living in my home too, but i don't mind. So we've added 2, and temporarily subtracted 1. So now that todays math lesson is over.....

So last night my mom, Ana, Aunt Jadean, and another one of moms friends went out, but what we didn't know is that they took the man truck. My dad has this truck that he's had for a long time, and he calls it his "Man Truck" No one is allowed to drive it but dad, and other men. NOT MOM, OR OTHER WOMEN!!!!! But you know moms they do whatever they want, and we just have to deal with it. So they took the "Man Truck" when they got back my dad had no clue, and mom gave me 10 bucks not to tell :) her secrets safe with me.... maybe.

So the Absolute Truth of today is: A family is not made up of people who are related to you, it's the people who love you, and look after you, even when they don't want to.

God is love
- Fletcher McClendon


  1. Wil, and Ana get to stay with you? your so lucky. lol

    and whats gonna happen when your dad see's this and finds out your mom took the truck...

  2. hahah comandeering the man truck? thats hilarious

  3. you should post a video....

  4. hahah Ana broke a nail, thats a real tragedy.

  5. hahah there was a car behind them and ur mom was like "they'll wait"
    ur mom has
