Thursday, August 20, 2009

Family Emergency... Space Cowboy

So, i went an emergency trip to Orlando. Turns out my grandmother had a stroke. It's a scary feeling when you hear news like that. it's like your stomach has this churning feeling, and all sorts of thoughts go to your head. Not trying to get all psycho, or anything.

So my grandma is doing much better, and we're back home, But that doesn't stop the excitement. So we went to a doctors appointment with mom today and saw Carly Joan again ( oh yeah and my parents are having name malfunctions. they want another name like Charly Beth, but i like Carly Joan) She's so cute, i cant wait until October.

When we were walking out of the hospital, we saw uncle Dave, and Aunt Jadean, and we saw our cousin Danielle. They were having a family emergency of their own. So we rode home with them just for fun. For the most part we drove in silence until Uncle Dave lightened the mood by singing "Space Cowboy" it was hilarious.

So the absolute Truth of Today is: Everything happens for a reason. Not for just any reason, but for Gods reason. He is the potter, we are the clay, and we are in his hands.

God is Love

- Fletcher McClendon


  1. Dave is a mess, lol

  2. omg, i love spave cowboy. but it's a super old song.
    ur family is amazing.
