Tuesday, December 22, 2009

All new

OK so exciting things are happening in the life of the McClendons. A lot of you follow me on Twitter, so you're pretty up to date on whats in going on. Charls is doing great, and is taking her first trip out of Florida tomorrow when we drive to Louisiana for the Holidays. Speaking of which w have been Traveling a lot lately. We were in New Orleans for a Party that Deci and I were invited to. It was tons of fun, It was party for my friend Dave. Guess what! He's related to they guy Joey in Slumdog Millionaire, and i got to meet him!!!
So the Absolute truth of today is: You can find information in different places (like Twitter)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Charli Time

Well it's been a minute since I've been on here, but I've got somereally exciting news! My Mom's water just broke, and baby Charli is on her way Keep my mom in your prayers today. Pics up soon.

Fletcher McClendon

Monday, October 5, 2009

Fly me a river,Got me a kisser

Well, we have successfully moved into our new home. We got everything set up, and we slept in it for the first time last night. i had a hard time falling asleep because I'm use to Deci snoring as loud as possible, but it was all good. Moving in the house was a challenge, with all the big book shelves, and heavy beds, and fragile dishes, i don't know how, but we got it done, and fast too. The only thing that went wrong is the thousands of flies that swarmed into the house that day, you couldn't turn around and not see one either on the counter, or flying around somewhere. i officially hate flies. we ordered pizza but eating it was a struggle since the flies started attacking the food, but we managed.

After we were completely finished with "operation get everything into the house without breaking something" we found a little dog. the first thing he did when he saw me was come up and lick me so i called him kisser. yes the owner did call but said we could keep him for like 150 dollars otherwise he was going to the pound because he couldn't take care of him anymore. Dad agreed! So yet another addition to the McClendon family

On Sunday we rode 4 wheelers in our new back yard. we invited some friends over, and it was a blast! there was mud everywhere which made it even more fun. Pictures up later

So the Absolute Truth of Today is: Good things can be found in unlikely places

-Fletcher McClendon

Monday, September 7, 2009

recording, and new babies

Well this weekend was pretty crazy. Just when you think it couldn't get more chaotic....

Well we spent Saturday, at DME studios recording songs for our church, which was kinda fun, but Deci kept messing up on purpose (well what did i expect from an 11 year old) Deci is really good though, I'll try to upload a track, for you guys.

Well we went to another "mommy, baby" appointment. Mom is doing great, but she's pretty dang big (lord please don't let her see this) The doctor said either there is more than one baby in there, or Charli/Carly is a big girl. Well there are instances were another baby is hidden behind the other in the ultrasound, but i don't think so. My mom said just in case there is more than one baby mom said if it's a boy his name is Judah, and if it's a girl it Carly Joan like originally.

Well anyway on Sunday after church went shooting. talk about fun times!

So the Absolute truth of Today is: Expect The Unexpected. Nothing is Impossible.

Fletcher McClendon

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

party at the beach,pics

Yesterday was awesome because i didn't have to go to school! My grandparents were celebrating their anniversary, so they decided to celebrate at the beach!We had tons of fun, but the day didn't start out fun....

My dad is a firm believer in "family togetherness" meaning he thinks families need to get a long. They do, but i mean we're going to fight sometime because that's what families do. but Dad doesn't like it.

So Me, Wil,and Trey were playing Call Of Duty on x-box, and Deci kept coming and annoying us. He'd stand in front of the T.V, and he would start playing drums when we were trying to hear the television. So we pushed him out, and he goes crying to Dad. So we had to wake up at 5 and run laps for it.Any normal parent would have just grounded us, but no we had to run around the back yard 100 billion times!(more like 9, but you get the point) , and a couple push -ups.

So the Absolute truth of today is: Family is important, cherish every moment you have your family because some people don't have that opportunity.

-Fletcher McClendon

Sunday, August 30, 2009

orlando, school, and automobiles

Well as some of you know my family went on an important trip to Orlando. It wasn't all chaos and sadness, we actually saw some pretty cool stuff, and we did a lot of sight-seeing (i didn't mention that in my last blog) But it was really awesome.

So school started last week!!! I cant honestly say i was exited because i love summer, and was so bummed it was over. Not to mention the the first day of school sucked!(pardon my french) I spilled ketchup all over my shirt,and i was picked at about my accent (British). It wasn't the best day ever, but i sure was glad to come home!

So today is Sunday, so obviously i went to church. it's like my whole family had something to do there. Dad had to sing, I played guitar, Trey played bass, Deci played drums(amazingly) and mom worked in the nursery. We are a very busy family.Our cousin Abraham came over today. He's a cute kid, but very annoying at times.

When we got home we had plans to go ride 4 wheelers, but that turned out to be a disaster, because Deci read his horoscope, and it said automobiles are not the safest place to be around today. so he refused to stand within 10 feet of one. we tried to carry him on, but he just kicked and screamed as if the horoscope was actually real.

So tomorrow I get to miss a day of school, to go to the beach for my grandparents anniversary, I'll tell you how that goes.

So the Absolute Truth of today is: Don't assume everything someone says is true. there are these people out there called liars.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Name pickin. Hide and go Wash(pics galore)

Deci came back today, i think he stays for a very long time this time, maybe even permanent, but I'll have to ask my mom about that. Ana and Wil came today also.

Well we had another McClendon Family Meeting. We discussed my sisters name. it was initially gonna be Carly Joan as you guys know, but my parents are taking the name Charli Beth into consideration. I don't have a problem with the name, it's just that i love the name Carly Joan much better, but i guess that's not up to me. Well we got to see our nameless little sister today at my moms check up.

So after nameless sisters check up we played hide and go seek in the dark. It was raining cats and dogs today, so it was even scarier. Grace was very easy to find ( not the best hider), but Deci, Trey, Ana and Wil, were very hard. Deci picked some pretty weird hiding places, but that's because he's really short, and can fit into small places. he has unfair advantages. He even fit himself in the dryer. he didn't close it all the way thank god, but it was hard to notice that it was opened. He's the Hide and Seek champion for sure.

So the Absolute Truth of Today Is: We all make choices. Some change our day, some change our lives.