Monday, September 7, 2009

recording, and new babies

Well this weekend was pretty crazy. Just when you think it couldn't get more chaotic....

Well we spent Saturday, at DME studios recording songs for our church, which was kinda fun, but Deci kept messing up on purpose (well what did i expect from an 11 year old) Deci is really good though, I'll try to upload a track, for you guys.

Well we went to another "mommy, baby" appointment. Mom is doing great, but she's pretty dang big (lord please don't let her see this) The doctor said either there is more than one baby in there, or Charli/Carly is a big girl. Well there are instances were another baby is hidden behind the other in the ultrasound, but i don't think so. My mom said just in case there is more than one baby mom said if it's a boy his name is Judah, and if it's a girl it Carly Joan like originally.

Well anyway on Sunday after church went shooting. talk about fun times!

So the Absolute truth of Today is: Expect The Unexpected. Nothing is Impossible.

Fletcher McClendon

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