Monday, October 5, 2009

Fly me a river,Got me a kisser

Well, we have successfully moved into our new home. We got everything set up, and we slept in it for the first time last night. i had a hard time falling asleep because I'm use to Deci snoring as loud as possible, but it was all good. Moving in the house was a challenge, with all the big book shelves, and heavy beds, and fragile dishes, i don't know how, but we got it done, and fast too. The only thing that went wrong is the thousands of flies that swarmed into the house that day, you couldn't turn around and not see one either on the counter, or flying around somewhere. i officially hate flies. we ordered pizza but eating it was a struggle since the flies started attacking the food, but we managed.

After we were completely finished with "operation get everything into the house without breaking something" we found a little dog. the first thing he did when he saw me was come up and lick me so i called him kisser. yes the owner did call but said we could keep him for like 150 dollars otherwise he was going to the pound because he couldn't take care of him anymore. Dad agreed! So yet another addition to the McClendon family

On Sunday we rode 4 wheelers in our new back yard. we invited some friends over, and it was a blast! there was mud everywhere which made it even more fun. Pictures up later

So the Absolute Truth of Today is: Good things can be found in unlikely places

-Fletcher McClendon

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