Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Drums, Dogs, and Dangerous Pranks

Well today was a another weird day in the McClendon home.
We have this dog named P.T, and he has to sleep in the laundry room, for now, but we want him to sleep in someones room. Dad said that Prince had to be trained before he could stay in any ones room, so we spent all day trying to get him to do something as simple as sit, but no luck. So Deci assumed it was because the treats were no good, so he tried one to see. Yeah, i know GROSS!!

Anyway, today was band rehearsal and we had to go over a couple new songs, and when we got done Deci got on the drums. My mouth dropped open because he plays like a grown man! Good thing we have a drum set in the family room. He played when we got home, and i promise you it's like he's professional or something. so me, him, and daddy played all our favorite songs with him, like Superstition, and a couple of my songs, he's incredible.

Now to top the day all of Me and Deci played a little prank on Trey. So he was in the bathroom doing God knows what, while we snuck in he room, poured 9 pudding cups in his pillow. He didn't notice until, he sat down on his pillow and it gushed out everywhere. It was hilarious, he chased us around the house for like 15 minutes until our dad came. of course he told on us. We got this ridiculously long lecture, and I'm not getting allowance for a month, but trust me, when i saw the look on his face, and when i heard him scream like a woman, and chase us around i realized it's worth any punishment he gives us. We all ended up laughing at it in the end.

So The Absolute Truth of today is: Never put a limit on someones ability, and never underestimate, also it is totally true that Siblings prank each other. That's just what they do. You have the right to get mad, but remember to laugh at it eventually, because no one would spend that much time coming up with a way to prank you, if they didn't really care.

God is love
-Fletcher McClendon


  1. ok your dog named prince or P.T

  2. His name is Prince Terrien, but we call him P.T, Prince, or Prince T. stuff like that.

    He got his name from the Dog in Bridge to Terabithia.
